One Step Forward Two Steps Back

So, after the great pee incidents of 2024 we decided to regroup and try a new strategy for school. He is still going two hours a day, but for a few days his daddy came with us, and he walked him in rather than me.

It went well every time. Every time I’d go back alone to pick him up and the parapro or the teacher would tell me how happy he had been all day. He had been participating in class, helping when asked, and singing songs and just super happy every day.

I must confess we were super encouraged by this. Charlie can be so tough, and not just in his tantrums but often he’ll act like he doesn’t want to do something he really does want to do and after he’s done it, he’s super happy – but omg getting him to DO it is the challenge. It seems so nutty. You love to do this thing. Let’s go DO the thing! Tantrums, screams, rave rage…. oh happy never mind.

It’s an emotional battle of wills some days, to remind him of what he actually loves. He loves school.

So, we decided, since he’s been happy and giving his dad zero grief that I would go back to taking him myself yesterday. His dad’s health is bad, and while he can do it – it’s hard on him so we don’t want to do that if we don’t have to. And he’s been so happy at school, this seemed like we had gone back to normal.

Seemed, being the operative word…

I should have considered that he was a little salty with me when we got ready, but he grabbed his backpack and off we went to school. We played the Beatles (his favorite) and sang alone. As we walked into the school, he held my hand and we laughed and had fun. It was going well. I considered talking to the teacher about whether we could try three hours a day next week? The idea is to ramp him up to more hours slowly…get him back to a full day.

As we approached the door, he pulled away from me and yanked it open. I was right behind him, stepped around in front of him just as he jammed his hand down his pants and….you guess it…yanked out his junk and started to pee.

With the power of an offensive lineman, I shoulder shoved him out the door and managed to prevent both exposing himself (again) and getting any pee on the floor inside (again) which is a lovely wood parquet.

Once we were outside, he stopped. He gestured to the car “Yellow Submarine” and ran towards the parking spot.

I texted his teacher that he wouldn’t be in.

We are at a similar place today except we didn’t even go. He was salty and didn’t want to go. We said fine. You win. You’d have fun and really enjoy yourself but there are only so many days a week we can battle your desire to pee on the high school office lobby floor (and sometimes furniture).

Today I’m working on some things at home outside, enjoying the peace while he bounces a ball and I’m hoping that despite how hard the last three months have been, maybe the wheel is turning. Maybe all the wheels can turn and improve.

We sure do need it.

(Me trying to find peace)

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